Take the Next Step: Level Up Your Life and Fitness!

Take the Next Step: Level Up Your Life and Fitness!

July 10, 20224 min read


Recently, I had the opportunity to speak at a Level Up Conference in Las Vegas… So I thought it was only fitting to talk about how you can level up your own life and take the next step to become the person you want to be! Here are 4 ways you can level up your life and fitness.

Start With One Step at a Time

Leveling up can be scary! It is completely natural to second guess and doubt yourself… But if you know that you’re ready for that next step, the best thing you can do is start with one small step at a time.

That next step might be huge! It may feel like a big deal. You probably see that gap between where you are and where you want to go, and reality sets in.

You may want to see that overnight success, but it just doesn’t work that way. If you are really ready to level up and take the next step, you have to put in some time and effort.

Choose one thing you can do today, one change you can make, and just get started! Don’t put it off until tomorrow, Monday, or when “the time is right.” There will always be something in your way!

Find a Community

If you don’t have accountability, then no one is going to know if you do a dang thing!

While it might seem easier to hide your goals and dreams, the best way to make them a reality is by joining a community and letting them hold you accountable. Whether that’s finding a friend, getting a coach, or joining a community of people who want the same things you do, find your community and let them help you take the next step!

This is why I offer so many different ways to connect. Whether you are looking for a free community of people to rely on, a group fitness coaching program to kick your butt into gear and reach your fitness goals, or a revival retreat that will help you reflect and take the next step in your life, I am here for you!

During the darkest moments of my life, I had a leader who told me to not have any ideas, to not speak until I was spoken to, and to sit in a corner and not take action. I felt completely defeated!

It wasn’t until I found a good leader that actually heard me, knew my goals, and saw something in me that I felt ready to take the next step.

This is why it’s so important to find your people! Choose a community of people who are in your corner and will help you achieve your goals, no matter what they might be!

Say It Out Loud

Once you find a community, if you want to level up your life you need to say it out loud! Tell the world what you want to accomplish!

Social media and the internet can be such beautiful things. It allows you to connect and create relationships with people. It is where I have been able to build my programs, meet so many amazing women, and step into the role I was always meant for!

Even if it’s scary, just get the words out. Say it out loud, write it down, and let people hold you accountable for your goals!

And if you need help or are wondering how you can say it out loud, you can grab my Krystal Clear life planner! This will help you set goals and intentions and guide you to take action so that you can take the next step in your life!


Make a Decision and Act On It

Decide how you are going to achieve your goals. Make a plan for what you are going to accomplish and how you are going to level up.

Then, take some action!

You only have one shot at this life. Be consistent, get out of toxic relationships, and stop allowing yourself to stay stuck!

Think about where you will be at the end of this year. Are you going to be proud of the decisions you made right now?

Take the Next Step, Even When It’s Hard

Change is hard, but it is the only way to become the best version of yourself. If you need a community, I am here for you! I am in your corner. In my group fitness program, we do hard things together and we level up. If you are ready to take the next step, then make the decision to take action today! Your future self will thank you.

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Krystalore Crews

I am a People Strategist, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, Certified Coach, and an Emotional Intelligence Facilitator. I love studying human behavior and teaching people to communicate better with their colleagues, family, friends, and children. I have used the lessons learned from overcoming obstacles in my own personal and professional journey to develop a set of programs that empower my clients with a sense of purpose, direction, clarity, and confidence. I hold a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in entrepreneurship from Medaille College and a professional certificate in Diversity and Inclusion as an Associate Diversity Coach (ADC) from Georgetown University. In addition to my professional accomplishments, I am a proud military spouse and step-mother, living in Louisville, Kentucky with my husband of 5 years, Russ Crews, who is my partner in life and in business. I have learned from a diverse set of experiences as a financial advisor, construction project manager, restaurant corporate trainer, recruiter, retention manager, computer engineer, NFL cheerleader, and marathon runner, what it takes to reach beyond my limits. I have served over 19 years in the Air National Guard as a military leader, and continue to do so as a Diversity and Inclusion Strategist, Leadership Coach, and Fitness Trainer. I also coach the Air National Guard Marathon Team, which competes annually at the Air Force Marathon, leading my team to win first place in competing against 11 other teams three out of the past four years. I have used my leadership, endurance, and determination to overcome a variety of challenges in both my personal and professional life, forming a unique perspective that allows me to understand, empathize, and communicate with my clients so that I can teach them to transform their lives, no matter what roadblocks are in their way. I incorporate videos, interactive activities, team-building exercises, and tools to track progress, so that I can educate and motivate my clients to set goals, build habits, and obtain a limitless mindset in a way that is both engaging and entertaining. When my clients plug into my programs, they get the guidance, motivation, and accountability they need to improve their fitness, mindset and connections.

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